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Facebook messenger app simplified and launches globally

Facebook Messenger


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Feature creep is a very real problem in today’s apps, and to combat this Facebook has decided to get back to basics with the new, simpler Messenger.

They mentioned in their blog that “in a recent Messenger study, 7 out of 10 (71%) people told us simplicity is the top priority for them in a messaging app”

  • Among people surveyed who are messaging more frequently, 62% say messaging makes them feel closer to their friends.
  • People will believe Messenger 4 delivers the closeness and authenticity that user have been asking for — through simplicity of design and powerful features that put the focus back on messaging and connecting.

Facebook on Tuesday announced an overhaul of its Messenger smartphone app in an effort to simplify the service for its 1.3 billion monthly global users.

Messenger tab

Credit: Facebook Newsroom page

Only three of the nine tabs that formed the core of Messenger remain in the new version of the app: Chats, People and Discover. Even so, none of the features offered by the other tabs have been removed, then they are testing Unsend message option to make survive from the accident send so ans so the app remains ever so powerful

Facebook is also planning to launch Facebook Lite for iOS users. We all know that Facebook introduced its Lite app back in 2015. Facebook Lite for Android has been available since 2015. It was available just about anywhere in the world but only for the Android users. Recently, we came to know that Facebook is all set to make it jump to iOS as well. So, it is expected that Facebook Lite For iOS will roll out Soon.

They are also working on new features like a Dark Mode of Messenger 4 which will be for dark mode lovers.

Facebook says you’ll be seeing the new Messenger soon, but they’re rolling it out in phases over the coming weeks.

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